Loaded Baguette
An easy party or evening snack using baguette from the bakery and simple ingredients from your pantr y. Preheat oven to 350 ° F . Slice the ba guette and l ay them flat on a no n-stick ba king tray. Evenly add your toppings of b utter, mild salsa, fresh or dried thyme, oregan o, and parsley , garlic powder, and shredded mozzarella cheese. F eel free to be creative and add on anything else you like. I used store-bought mild and chunky salsa. If you like to t urn the heat up, try it with a spicier version. Bake for about 5 to 7 minutes or until the crusts are a little crispy to the touch. You may increase the timing a little if you wish. I do no t like my baguette being too hard, so once I see the cheese melting - that's my cue ! Ha ppy trying , and remember to have fun in the kitchen ! Ingredients: 1 baguette - sliced 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter 2 tablespoons o f garlic powder 1/2 a cup of mild and ch unky salsa 3/4 cup o...